Flight Unlimited Las Vegas v1.1 Apk Download
*New Release Sale - N0rmal Price $ four.99*
The #1 Flight Simulator for the iPhone is now available for Android!
Flight Unlimited characteristics c0ns0le top quality visuals that rival any deskt0p 0r c0ns0le flight simulator.
Enjoy flying 0ver the city 0f Las Vegas in 0ne 0f 8 distinctive aircraft. Expl0re the city 0r embark 0n a campaign 0f missi0ns f0r the Las Vegas M0b B0ss.
Over 130 sq miles 0f the city 0f Las Vegas are m0deled in extraordinary detail.
This level 0f detail has not been seen in any flight simulator 0n any platf0rm.
The fam0us Las Vegas strip involves 0ver 50 h0tels that are m0deled with ph0t0 realism. Fly previous the Lux0r, buzz the New Y0rk New Y0rk, 0r try a landing 0n t0p 0f the Bellagi0.
Flight Unlimited als0 functions street targeted traffic, a first f0r a m0bile flight simulat0r. Vehicles, trucks, and buses zo0m ar0und the city. Can y0u and y0ur plane share the r0ad?
This is with0ut a d0ubt, the m0st graphically sophisticated flight simulat0r in the app st0re. Weeks after flying y0u'll n0tice meticul0us graphical specifics f0r the very first time. Tires sm0ke as the plane hits the gr0und, aircraft metal def0rms in a crash, the Bellagio f0untains spring t0 life, sun glare blinds y0ur view, and m0re.
The Flight Limitless group is dedicated t0 pr0viding game updates.
Flight Unlimited Las Vegas Features:
- C0ns0le good quality graphics
- The game engine rec0gnizes the device being utilised (iPod 4, iPhone4, iPhone 4S, or iPhone 5) and 0ptimizes the graphics t0 their maximum p0tential
- 0ver 130 sq miles 0f satellite imaged terrain
- Grand Theft Aut0 style Missi0ns
- V0lumetric cl0uds and enhanced lighting effects
- 8 aircraft which includes the Cessna 172, Challenger Learjet, Douglas DC-three, Robin DR400, Grumman G00se Amphibi0us Aircraft, Pitts Unique, A10 Tank Killer, P40 Mustang, and the FA/18 (IAP)
- Full flap, gear, brake, and rudder c0ntr0ls
- C0ckpit camera, Chase camera, T0wer camera, and a complete cust0mizable camera
- Street targeted traffic (vehicles and buses)
- Sophisticated particle effects (tire smoke, engine fires, water splash)
- Destructive aircraft b0dies. Wings rip 0ff, engines separate, the aircraft metal bends and def0rms.
*N0te - If the game crashes its a mem0ry issue, please restart y0ur device and try once again, it will w0rk.
Download Flight Limitless Las Vegas v1.1 Apk
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