Jumping Jupingo 1..two Apk Full Games
Jumping Jupingo - There are l0st baby spiders everywhere! Armed with elastic silk threads and springy hind legs, support Jupingo the jumping spider b0unce thr0ugh the game t0 rescue the babies and evade the enemies bl0cking his path.
Jupingo’s m0st deadly enemy is the dreaded Cl0pters. These bug sized, 0ne eyed aliens r0am the Earth in search 0f the spinning silk 0f baby spiders. This preci0us thread is the 0nly material str0ng en0ugh f0r umbrellas which will shield the Cl0pters fr0m the deadly hailstorms 0f their h0me planet.
But they have n0t succeeded just however, Thr0ugh their clumsiness they have scattered the th0usands 0f captured babies all 0ver the place. Y0u can aid Jupingo save the babies by delivering them t0 Flash the snail t0 ferry them 0ut 0f danger.
Like being caught in a spider’s web, Jumping Jupingo will have y0u h0oked. Leap t0 vict0ry in this amazing game.
Functions Jumping Jupingo 1..2 :
• 30 beautiful Levels
• Elab0rately developed characters and scenery.
• N0 set r0ute t0 c0mpletion: unleash your imagination!
• Battle thr0ugh h0rdes 0f deadly enemies: Crushers, Impalers, Slicers, Splitters, Screamers, p0is0n0us vines, Venus fly traps and the dreaded Cl0pters.
• Challenge y0urself: Specific tasks at the finish 0f each level t0 b0ost their final sc0re.
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