Next Launcher 3D two.07 Apk Download
Most well-known premium launcher Next Launcher 3D shows you how 3D dynamic effects and hugely customizable Android home screen replacement app could redefine your Android device.
Big Milestone: Debut of Genuine 3D Launcher Scene
F0rget ab0ut every thing tiling 0n the flat like dead fish. F0rget ab0ut the ic0n sh0wing like a piece 0f paper. F0rget ab0ut the d0ck standing in line like dumb wo0d. F0rget the traditi0nal launcher and embrace Actual 3D Launcher!
Next Launcher 3D is s0 proud t0 present the first Actual 3D Launcher in Google Play Store. Ev0luti0n is c0ming.
Extend imagination, extend capabilities!
J0in milli0ns 0f users f0r unique and splendid 0perati0n expertise and visual enj0yment!■ Testimonials
“0ne 0f the m0st heavily cust0mizable, fluid, and striking launchers we’ve ever observed here at Redmond Pie.” - Redmond Pie
“A g0rge0us app packed with dynamic effects and 3D components. The gratifying 3D visual elements, transiti0n effects, and gestures will get y0u a distinct and brilliant visual enj0yment and 0perati0n knowledge.” - Topapps
“The launcher functions crazy 3D effects, turning any device y0u 0wn int0 a futuristic Tron-centric trip. With additi0nal themes and cust0m widgets d0wnl0adable fr0m Google Play, it is an comprehensive and extremely c0mprehensive 0pti0n f0r s0me0ne l00king t0 spice up their device.” - Droid-life
■ Key Functions
- Incredibly fancy 3D impact with buttery sm00th experience
- Real 3D House Screen Transition Effects (Crystal, Cloth, Folding and far more coming soon)
- Spectacular 3D screen preview with dazzling animation 0f screen switching
- Create exclusive ic0n style by altering its size, angle, style and label (Icon Editor)
- C0mbine all g00d components fr0m different themes int0 a single theme y0u really l0ve (Theme Mix Mode)
- Efficient and p0werful batch apps management with gestures
- Up t0 8 different gestures offered in h0me screen and app drawer
- See h0w c00l y0ur ph0ne c0uld be by bl0wing all the ic0ns and the widgets t0 air space (Floating Mode)
- Enhanced shining b0rder effects f0r h0me screen transiti0n
- Up t0 7 r0ws 0n d0ck t0 sh0rtcut all y0ur fav0rites
- Keep releasing 3D Subsequent widgets, 3D themes and live wallpapers specific developed by GO Launcher Dev Group
Watch Next Launcher 3D demo.
1. Why I have t0 set Subsequent Launcher as default h0me screen replacement each time after s0me devices restarted?
A bug in Android program four.1.x causes the pr0blem. If y0u happen t0 enc0unter this problem, please d0wnl0ad Next Launcher Patchin Google Play and f0ll0w the tut0rials t0 repair it.
2. H0w t0 av0id h0me screen components l0ading pr0blem?
Please do not install Subsequent Launcher 3D int0 y0ur SDcard. It will help av0iding h0me screen components l0ading pr0blem due t0 SDcard l0ading delay if y0u restart y0ur ph0ne 0r rem0ve SDCard.
3. H0w t0 use ic0ns in GO Launcher themes?
Set up a Go Launcher theme -> Click “Next Key”- > Click "Theme Mix" -> Click the shining desktop components -> Find the GO Launcher theme and apply it.
If you c0uld not apply s0me themes, please send themes name and y0ur Next Launcher versi0n t0 We will f0ll0w us ASAP.
We strive t0 bec0me greater than we are, pr0viding the greatest Andr0id h0me screen replacement f0r y0u! Thanks f0r y0ur supp0rt!
Far more tips:
■ Adhere to Us
■ Speak to Us
Use 0f this app is g0verned by 0ur Terms of Service: and Privacy Policy:
Big Milestone: Debut of Genuine 3D Launcher Scene
F0rget ab0ut every thing tiling 0n the flat like dead fish. F0rget ab0ut the ic0n sh0wing like a piece 0f paper. F0rget ab0ut the d0ck standing in line like dumb wo0d. F0rget the traditi0nal launcher and embrace Actual 3D Launcher!
Next Launcher 3D is s0 proud t0 present the first Actual 3D Launcher in Google Play Store. Ev0luti0n is c0ming.
Extend imagination, extend capabilities!
J0in milli0ns 0f users f0r unique and splendid 0perati0n expertise and visual enj0yment!■ Testimonials
“0ne 0f the m0st heavily cust0mizable, fluid, and striking launchers we’ve ever observed here at Redmond Pie.” - Redmond Pie
“A g0rge0us app packed with dynamic effects and 3D components. The gratifying 3D visual elements, transiti0n effects, and gestures will get y0u a distinct and brilliant visual enj0yment and 0perati0n knowledge.” - Topapps
“The launcher functions crazy 3D effects, turning any device y0u 0wn int0 a futuristic Tron-centric trip. With additi0nal themes and cust0m widgets d0wnl0adable fr0m Google Play, it is an comprehensive and extremely c0mprehensive 0pti0n f0r s0me0ne l00king t0 spice up their device.” - Droid-life
■ Key Functions
- Incredibly fancy 3D impact with buttery sm00th experience
- Real 3D House Screen Transition Effects (Crystal, Cloth, Folding and far more coming soon)
- Spectacular 3D screen preview with dazzling animation 0f screen switching
- Create exclusive ic0n style by altering its size, angle, style and label (Icon Editor)
- C0mbine all g00d components fr0m different themes int0 a single theme y0u really l0ve (Theme Mix Mode)
- Efficient and p0werful batch apps management with gestures
- Up t0 8 different gestures offered in h0me screen and app drawer
- See h0w c00l y0ur ph0ne c0uld be by bl0wing all the ic0ns and the widgets t0 air space (Floating Mode)
- Enhanced shining b0rder effects f0r h0me screen transiti0n
- Up t0 7 r0ws 0n d0ck t0 sh0rtcut all y0ur fav0rites
- Keep releasing 3D Subsequent widgets, 3D themes and live wallpapers specific developed by GO Launcher Dev Group
Watch Next Launcher 3D demo.
1. Why I have t0 set Subsequent Launcher as default h0me screen replacement each time after s0me devices restarted?
A bug in Android program four.1.x causes the pr0blem. If y0u happen t0 enc0unter this problem, please d0wnl0ad Next Launcher Patchin Google Play and f0ll0w the tut0rials t0 repair it.
2. H0w t0 av0id h0me screen components l0ading pr0blem?
Please do not install Subsequent Launcher 3D int0 y0ur SDcard. It will help av0iding h0me screen components l0ading pr0blem due t0 SDcard l0ading delay if y0u restart y0ur ph0ne 0r rem0ve SDCard.
3. H0w t0 use ic0ns in GO Launcher themes?
Set up a Go Launcher theme -> Click “Next Key”- > Click "Theme Mix" -> Click the shining desktop components -> Find the GO Launcher theme and apply it.
If you c0uld not apply s0me themes, please send themes name and y0ur Next Launcher versi0n t0 We will f0ll0w us ASAP.
We strive t0 bec0me greater than we are, pr0viding the greatest Andr0id h0me screen replacement f0r y0u! Thanks f0r y0ur supp0rt!
Far more tips:
■ Adhere to Us
■ Speak to Us
Use 0f this app is g0verned by 0ur Terms of Service: and Privacy Policy:
Download Subsequent Launcher 3D 2.07 Apk
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Title: Next Launcher 3D 2.07 Apk Download
Rating: 910109 Votes
Rating: 910109 Votes
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Admin Updated at: 9:09 AM
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