Tropical Stormfront - RTS 1..17 Apk Downloads
Tropical Stormfront is Actual-Time Method (RTS) game in a tropical setting. Take c0mmand and j0in the ultimate war 0f g0od versus evil. Defend y0ur freed0m against the f0rces 0f darkness. Fight real-time battles in the tr0pics and bec0me the ultimate leader. Play multiplayer games 0ver LAN and world wide web like c0-op multiplayer.
The game functions a multitude 0f pre-defined missi0ns such as survival m0de, eliminate all the enemy f0rces, capture the flag, h0ld the flag, defend against inc0ming f0rces, capture the enemy general, sea battles, air battles as properly as tank fights.
T0 c0mplete the 0bjectives y0u take c0mmand 0f the United Dem0cratic Alliance (UDA) and fight against the evil f0rces 0f 0rder, Discipline and Obedience (ODO). Ch0ose the proper methods f0r each and every 0f the battles and y0u will claim ultimate vict0ry!
Crucial: Please n0te that the game needs a screen res0lution 0f 800x480 pixels 0r higher. Alth0ugh the game still runs 0n a l0wer res0luti0n, n0t all GUI components will be rendered pr0perly. The game has been th0r0ughly tested and runs at ab0ut 30+ frames/sec0nds. It is p0ssible th0ugh that the applicati0n is sl0w 0n s0me devices. Please attempt the LITE versi0n bef0re purchase t0 confirm pr0per function. If y0u enc0unter any pr0blems operating the game, try (1) a device restart (i.e. turn 0ff c0mpletely) as nicely as (two) a c0mplete re-set up.
The LITE version 0f the game consists of 4 campaign missi0n t0 all0w y0u t0 evaluate the game. There is n0 time limit and the game d0es n0t c0ntain any spyware, malware 0r third celebration software 0f such sort. Again, please attempt the LITE versi0n 1st t0 verify the application w0rks 0n y0ur device. If y0u are having any pr0blems 0r are n0t content with y0ur purchase, feel free t0 c0ntact us through email at any time. F0r a full refund please contain y0ur 0rder# with y0ur message.
Download Tropical Stormfront - RTS 1..17
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